Saturday, May 24, 2008

Out of State DWI Suspension and Texas Driver's License Question

From an email:
I was arrested in 2005 while in the military in North Carolina for a DWI. My license is suspended in North Carolina but is it suspended in Texas?
I assume you are living in Texas now? Ever apply for a Texas DL? Or are you just driving around hoping not to get pulled over? (Not the best idea - by the way.)
Basically, if Texas DPS gives you a license, you're good. Sounds like that's not the case though. You may need to clear up any problems with NC - if your license is still suspended there - before you can get a Texas DL.
If your suspension period is up you may just have to pay a reinstatement fee to North Carolina, to get in compliance with their DMV. Once that's done, under the interstate compact, you will probably be eligible for a regular license here.
If you aren't eligible for a 24/7 Texas driver's license, you may be able to get an occupational here in Texas. That's a bit trickier, and not answerable without knowing more facts.
I don't know what part of Texas you're in, but you should find a DWI lawyer that practices in your (current) neck of the woods to help you with this.

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